Whenever I see moms and daughters together, I get a little homesick. As a child I used to cling to my mom’s skirt and never want to leave her. Then the other day I was at the shop and a teenage daughter was getting so embarrassed by her mom and they ended up having such a fight, over nothing really, except the teenager being a brat. I think back to when I was a teenager, and how cool I thought I was, so cool that I ‘didn’t have parents’ & if I was seen with them, oh the embarrassment set in. Once you get over that revolting stage of your life, you realise how much your parents mean to you and how hurtful it must have been to have this child who only ever wanted to be clinging to your skirt, and then suddenly to have this horrid monster who wants nothing to do with you (in public).
Now living so far away from my parents, I get quite jealous when I see other moms with their daughters as there is no bond quite like it. I don’t think there is anything that you can’t ask your mom, and she always seems to have the right answer, even if it’s not what you want to hear. There’s so much you want to share with your parents when you live far away from them (I’m sure there are lots of people that can relate) The list goes from showing them where you live, where you work, where you shop, who your friends are, having a big hug, to the hopes that when you are pregnant & have kids, that you will be able to show them your child & have granny & grandpa around to baby sit. :)
With Mother’s Day coming up, I wish I could be with my parents to celebrate this day. This is when photography becomes such an intregal part of our being, that we should capture the moments we have with our parents to treasure them forever.
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