Travelling and working is not the easiest thing. For the past three weeks I have been away from the “office” and for 4 days in those three weeks, we have been in a car travelling. It’s not an excuse, but an explanation as to why I have been rather quiet and to my clients and potential clients, this is why I have not responded to my mails as quickly as I should have.
My travelling started off with the beautiful wedding of Tashinga and Edward Rainsford in Zimbabwe and I had a couple of other shoots planned. Then we drove back to Johannesburg, had a days rest, catch up on emails, and then off to Cape Town for a two day car trip. Now I sit, in Cape Town, with Table Mountain as my view, catching up on editing and admin. Oh and those of you wondering, Cassie is sitting right here next to me. Yip, she did the trek with us and is finding the beach to be a rather fun outing – and itching to tell you all about it ;)

More pics of Cape Town please :D